By: C.P. Singh, Editor-ICN Group
PART: 20
None of us have ever thought or even imagined that there will be many days in life in which we will face a situation called , “ Lock – Down “ . A calamity erupted on the Earth , covering almost every area . It was a deadly virus which spread abruptly and most of the people around Globe could not understand the exact details about it. No one is yet sure about it’s origin. From where did it come ? Was it a natural calamity or a result of any mistake in the scientific researches ever going on elsewhere? Be it as it may but one thing is sure that entire human race is facing very bad (challenging) days .
Did any Scientific Research derailed ? Some mistake took place or nature is on it’s role to play ?
None could know, none perceived the real reason or origin of this deadly virus on Human Race.
Just guessing and lamenting are all , who are forced to strive for life , in the conditions here to say,
It is strange, surprising, very harmful and unique of it’s type, which the entire World is forced to face.
When we were trapped in our houses , when most of the persons were not doing any productive routine work , when activities were all standstill , even then each and every mind was busy doing something , for self , for family and owns and for the Nation at large. Many were even busy doing their respective jobs on line from homes . Students were reading from home , while teachers were teaching them from their homes . Computer operators were busy doing their jobs from their respective houses and so also many others doing other tasks on line from homes.
Mankind generally remains busy in their activities as routine during normal days ,
This status changes in the days of calamity , having helplessness and restrictions.
In serious conditions like pandemics and so, Lock – Down and Closures are only ways,
When every aspect of the world closes , human beings do wait for Nature’s Instructions.
The World feels a bit uneasy and unpleasant , when forced to stop all it’s prevailing activities,
Doings are the ways of life and everyone remains ever busy in whatever called allotted here.
Deeds must continue to indicate that we are alive and so they think for the alternative duties ,
They start doing work from their homes , through computer etc. if so possible , in their share .
Online Teaching / Studying
Without any preparatory gap each and every school , college , institute got closed . It was mandatory on human race to protect themselves from any infection. A world wide calamity spreading invisible infection from person to person was said to be present everywhere on the Earth. One basic problem in it , which ever looms over every life, in the form of being incurable , that is , “ There is no any medicine for this infection in The World “. Protection , precaution and keeping away from the infection are the only ways . In such conditions closure was the only way .
None of the teachers, guardians or the students could prepare anything for their pertinent,
As the Calamity bound Lock – Down was forced to materialize, without any warning or gap.
Human Race was endangered by incurable infection, for which closure of all became eminent,
Invisible was the enemy, vulnerable were we, closed all, sat in ,as if working gone into the sap.
When the basic reason of the calamity is not visible, and it’s effects are extremely fatal, we sat,
Where ever we were , stopped everything though reluctantly , horrible every thinking thought.
Precautions , preventions and restrictions came as the only help, in such time , whatever was that,
Everything was closed, activities mum, wheels jam, brains working, nature was the only ought.
The situation became difficult for studies , which were also closed for indefinite period. Teachers under the compelling guidance of institutions took some appreciable steps . They used available technology and started teaching their students online. Difficulties did come but they started . It seems to be a small step but it includes too much for the core theme of the academic system. Teacher prepares well for the online class . Everything is recorded . Even videos can be prepared at the side of any teacher as well as at any student . This study can be re used in future and improvements and additions are also possible .
All the school, colleges and Educational institutes were closed for an indefinite period of time,
Teachers did significant jobs by using available technology to teach their eager students as may.
It seems to be a simple task but it involves so many unseen problems to crop up as work rhyme,
Teaching and study started online from their respective homes, to complete course , as they say.
Teachers prepare their course for the period , to be deliberated to the students , online then,
Every aspect pertaining to every class is recorded, as photos, audios , videos and even script.
All such lessons can be stored and reused , As if their added features , needed as and when,
They can be altered, improved with additions and deletions, as required, a handy class script.
A creative motivation seems to crop up in these steps. A student of any class, sitting in a remote village of Bihar on Lap Top can connect to class in New Delhi. He can read and talk to his teacher there. Not only the teacher but also students are attentive because everything is open, clear and being recorded. Study as well as teaching seems to have newer parameters, this way. We cannot call it invention but it is an idea , which came up during Lock – Down to provide alternate media to teach and study.
Teaching and studying online is a new concept in the system, proving successful as only way,
It reduced the distance between and made it feasible , be those two places whatever apart .
Both the teacher and the taught are careful because everything is being recorded, as they say,
When everything is closed, our studies are going on, staying home safely, is a commendable dart.
There is no way to teach in Lock – Down, in this situation helpless system got a positive way of using on line class. This way of teaching , though not an ideal , can be an alternate as well as complement to the aspect called teaching . Indirectly, this method is being adopted since long, though unilaterally collecting information and data. In some aspects it may prove to be better particularly in relation to the specific parameters of teachers themselves. Less prepared teachers, misbehaving or late arriving etc. One vital aspect , what students learn from their teachers’ personality and character will become less available.
Everyone knows that there cannot be any in class study when everything is closed, even then,
Studies are going on, online staying home, which brought a big positive note for teaching itself.
Well prepared, caring and sincere class, making better use of time, missing some aspects often,
Which students learn from teacher’s personality and character , when present in person himself.
When we start saying that number of students is increasing in our schools , it attracts serious thinking towards simple aspects like School Buildings, Teachers , Books, Hostels and libraries which drag our society back from better learning . Both students and guardians started becoming unsatisfied.
There is a big mismatch amongst various parameters of education sector, marring satisfaction,
Whatever is less and more, can be very well taken are by on line teaching , if taken seriously.
So many requirements end automatically, as if they are not factors at all , in this say or action,
Even then this virtual teaching is not an ideal, as teachers and students are not there physically.
Is this Online Teaching trying to show us a way to balance demand and supply parameters in our education system? These aspects seem to be well addressed by this technology driven study. So many topics which seem to be standing as questions, pertaining to the education paradigms , seem to be taken care and addressed by this new idea called online teaching. This may go long long way in the era if taken positively and in practical ways.
There is a long outstanding imbalance between demand and supply of this system itself,
Technology has enabled our society to deal with this pending deficiency and make it good.
Even if not favoured , it helps us a lot to continue teachings in such calamity era , in so elf.
If our culture grasps it in optimistic way, it will prove beneficial, taken in the spirit, it should.
No doubt , this “ Lock – down “ has been taken as a precautionary step to protect our people from any eminent danger of infection. This did allow so many to work from home . We suppose it or not, we accept it or not, we feel it or not even then the conditions of any home are genuinely different from that of any office. We can not create an office in our house just by thinking and declaring. It may take too much more to do so . We do started doing our office routines from our respective houses but our seating plans as well as our sitting postures made us feel that this may create serious problems in our physiques which may even lead to a situation called slip disk . Will it ?
Work from home is just an alternate to cope with the situation of closure , that we face now,
It gets some work done, even when all the offices, shops and industries are closed, as we see.
But , every office is different from homes , in so many parameters which concerns us any how,
None of us can craft office in one’s house, just by assuming or asserting for it , how can we ?
More and more is required to convert our house into our office, by changing so many aspects,
It is not sufficient just to start working from home , but to alter many vital routine parameters.
Seating plan, as we usually have in our offices and our sitting posture do need value and respect,
This may harm our physique in the long run, creating troubles in our back bones and health meters.
The ensuing worldwide calamity has forced the human race to close itself at a place as is, where is. A new concept named work from home cropped up and many of us were forced to go for it. Naturally as a matter of compulsion it became months together for any one’s morning walk, visit to Yoga or gym as I was closed for all to go out of one’s house. This service class who are habitual of going out and working regularly, they practically lost their routine . One big change that of posture of sitting in the office, got completely lost. Office has got a seating plan which home does not. People kept working in their homes using undesired posture. Hey became habitual of sitting in bed, in sofa etc.
The entire human race is forced to live in houses and not to move out , just for precautions,
This binding even stopped morning walk , while many are working from their places of stay.
Every routine that requires outing , seems to be stayed , as all are to stay home in cautions,
Many started feeling various physical ailments due to posture , non working or unmoving say.
This change in posture did a bit with their back bone , which started complaining in various ways. It was always pertinent and still it is, to stay fit, by regular exercises, yoga and by using correct posture in our habit. Because , even if we are in the phase of “ Unlock – 1 “ but this precaution of physical distancing has to continue.
Habitual active and always performing human beings started feeling , unknown differences ,
Who knows , how many will start owning various ailments in them , just because of idle case.
Even then the situation of the reality persists and people remain inside their house fences,
Whatever be the calamity, how much be the effect on mankind , we must protect our race .
……….. To Be Continued …….